CXH Quiz


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Why is customer experience important to you?
  • I want to have lots of customers
  • I want to get rich, make loads of money and make my business successful
  • I want to serve my customers properly
  • I want to make a difference by doing the right things by my customer
How much do you know about customer experience and its benefits?
  • Newbie, I know absolutely nothing
  • Beginner, I have some basic knowledge
  • Intermediate, I have adequate knowledge and my staff also do
  • Advanced, I am already seeing the results. Good customer experience is embedded within the core values of my business
How much money are you realistically prepared to invest in yourself and your business to get better at offering exceptional customer experience?
  • I'm broke and have no money to invest currently
  • I'm struggling financially but can manage around £100
  • I'm on a budget but can manage around £500
  • I'm serious and committed, around £1000
  • I'm financially stable, serious and committed – more than £2000
What is the timeframe that you are most comfortable to start working on your customer experience offering?
  • My business is stagnant, I need to start NOW
  • I’m desperate and need to start within 30 days
  • Happy to start within the next 90 days
  • 6 months or longer is reasonable for me
Which best describes you?
  • I enjoy sharing, teaching and helping others
  • I am very analytical, tactical and prefer being behind the scenes
  • I am comfortable with both described above
Which of the following is most important to you?
  • Customer is king
  • Customer Experience matters
  • Customers First
  • Customer Focus
  • Happy Customers
  • All of the above