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Access to Funding is One of the Most Challenging Barriers for Black Entrepreneurs in the UK


Access to capital is arguably the biggest challenge that faces start-up businesses in the UK. For BAME (Black, Asian and ethnic minority) businesses, the challenge is notoriously more difficult, due to a number of factors including the fact that historically, banks and major financial institutions in the UK have placed little to no emphasis on the importance of providing funding for black businesses. A number of systemic biases and varying levels of discrimination continue to put black entrepreneurs on the back foot. 

Although a number of private and public sector drives to change the status quo are making significant progress, the British business arena still requires a large degree of transformation before it can be regarded as a level playing field.

Access to Financing and the Hurdles Facing Black Business Owners in the UK

In order to challenge the prevailing reality, we need to acknowledge the fact that black businesses face unique challenges when it comes to access to financing. On the level of the private sector, the disparities are undeniably evident. Between 2009 and 2019, only 0.24 percent of venture capital (VC) was invested in black businesses in the UK. To put this into perspective, during this period, only 38 black business founders were funded by venture capitalists. Considering that currently there are around 250 000 minority-led businesses in the UK, these findings paint a grim picture.

According to The Black Report, 88 percent of black founders financed their companies using their own savings or received financial assistance from family and friends as a way of circumventing the lack of interest that venture capitalists showed in supporting their ventures. While this is indeed testament to the spirit of determination and perseverance that exists within the black entrepreneurship community, it is indicative of the fact that private investors need a dramatic and urgent mindset shift.

Economic Inclusivity Needs to Become a National Priority

The global call for diversity and inclusion is increasing. And as Morgan Stanley’s survey of the VC industry illustrates, discourse around racial inequality in the sector is beginning to capture investor attention and drive the paradigm shift that is urgently needed to transform the industry. A critical catalyst of change for many of the players in the sector was the advent of the Black Lives Matter movement, which garnered a renewed surge of interest in 2021. 

According to the report, 61% of venture capitalists claim that the movement has impacted their investment strategy. Systemic change won’t happen overnight, but awareness around the plight of black business owners is becoming more prominent, not only in the private investment sector but also amongst some of the UK’s most established banking institutions. 

A New Dimension to This Pivotal Problem

A study conducted by Lloyds Bank revealed compelling insights into how black entrepreneurs view banks as potential funders. The study found that for almost 60% of black business founders, funding to drive business growth was the top form of support needed. Following closely on the need for funding, was the need to understand funding and eligibility. Of particular interest was the fact that while 57% of black business owners were aware that banks offer finance, only 13% approach banks for financial support. Furthermore, 52% of black business owners claimed to have no confidence to apply for funding in the form of a business loan or grant and only 43% (2 in 5) of black entrepreneurs trust financial institutions like banks to have their best interests in mind. 

These findings represent an interesting dimension to the problem. While much evidence suggests that there is not enough support for black entrepreneurs in terms of state-led interventions and private sector initiatives, there is also evidence suggesting that the UK’s community of black entrepreneurs needs training and education around how to position their businesses and apply for funding. Thwarted by experiences of discrimination and racism, and disheartened by evidence that British colonialism and imperialism has not completely loosed its grip on British society, black entrepreneurs have turned to family and friends for funding or simply worked diligently to bootstrap their businesses using their savings. 

Education and Training as Key Contributors to Positive Change

Applying for funding is a skill. It is a process that involves knowing how to draw up a business plan that looks attractive to investors, how to be persuasive in delivering a funding pitch as well as essential skills like negotiation and business strategy. 

The challenge is therefore multi-dimensional. It is both a problem of economic inclusivity and one characterised by the lack of confidence that black entrepreneurs have in themselves. The solution therefore lies in not only raising awareness around the need for more inclusive funding but also in the need for black entrepreneurs to receive training on which funding options are available, what each method requires in terms of preparation and how to position a venture for funding. 

The call for this kind of education needs to be extended to institutions across the board, beginning with tertiary education, but also institutions that are geared specifically towards developing the black business sector. While many black business owners may not have access to top-tier education at schooling level due to a number of systemic challenges, this kind of training in the world outside of schooling is critical and much-needed.

Would you like to add to these perspectives? We’d like to hear more about the challenges you’ve faced as a black entrepreneur in trying to fund your venture. Share your experiences with us via social media and we’ll be in touch.

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3 Ways in Which Customer Experience Can Benefit Your Business’s Bottom-Line

customer experience and business

Little is known about who coined the phrase, “the customer is always right,” but a number of sources attribute these words of wisdom to Harry Gordon Selfridge, the founder of ubiquitous British brand, Selfridges, and Marshall Field, the founder of Chicago’s Marshall Field and Company. Both of these business men, who went on to build multi-billion dollar empires, based their business models on serving the needs of the customer. It was an adage that rose to prominence during the 1950s, but centuries later, it still holds true. 

With the advent of social media, the rapid advancement of digital technology and the mushrooming of business opportunities that has been catalysed by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, more power has been placed in the hands of the customer than ever before. In previous years, where a number of large corporates held monopolies in a broad range of sectors, the small business and start-up boom of the “noughties” has exponentially expanded the range of choice that consumers have. 

A case study on customer choice

Just consider for a moment, how many variations of tomato sauce you’ll find in grocery stores across the UK. Heinz tomato sauce was a UK favourite for years before the introduction of own-branded tomato sauce variants by several UK supermarkets, in addition to around 20 other variants from emerging brands. The “tomato sauce case study” represents a microcosm of the bigger picture that is customer choice in the contemporary world.

With so much choice, brands face fierce competition for the attention of their target audiences. And for retailers, it has become ever more important to nurture an aspect of differentiation – something that sets them apart from other competitors in the market and positions their unique value proposition foremost in the minds of consumers. 

One of the most effective ways of achieving this objective is to focus on providing an excellent customer experience (CX). This involves aspects such as how the customer interacts with your brand’s representatives, how customers feel about your product or service and whether it meets their needs.

For businesses across the board, investing in customer experience can reap a number of benefits, which include the following:

Increased customer retention

Many businesses focus almost exclusively on converting leads into sales or acquiring new customers. While this is of course a priority in a business’s formative years, as that venture grows, customer retention becomes increasingly important. The rate at which your business is able to retain customers and build a loyal customer base will play a pivotal role in whether your venture will survive in the long term. 

Customer retention is not only beneficial to a business’s bottom-line in a direct way, but it also has an important indirect impact. Findings by several sources provide some compelling insights that illustrate this point. According to SmallBizGenius, Over 60% of a company’s business comes from repeat customers. Furthermore, as Invesp suggests, the probability of selling to an existing customer is 60%-70%, compared to the probability of selling to a new customer, which is only 5%. In addition, retaining a customer can be up to 25 times cheaper than customer acquisition. 

Some of the most successful customer retention strategies include loyalty programmes, customer feedback systems, customer reward programmes and customer education. Business owners who can find innovative ways to weave these types of strategies into their customer experience will go a long way in encouraging repeat sales and ultimately, building a community around their product or service. This will in turn have long-standing and far-reaching benefits for profitability and brand reputation.

Better brand sentiment

One of the most important metrics that marketers use to assess the success of businesses is sentiment analysis. Using advanced algorithms, a number of online tools can measure how customers feel about a particular brand, product or service by measuring digital interactions on platforms such as review sites and social media as well as brand mentions in the media.

According to Oracle, 34% of customers will never buy from a brand after just one bad experience. And as Adobe found, 1 in 3 customers will pay more for a better experience. A number of additional sources support the argument that there is therefore a powerful business case to be made for investing in positive customer experiences. 

Reduced marketing costs

Taking a CX-centric approach to business ultimately helps businesses understand their customers better. In doing so, companies can adapt and iterate in ways that serve the needs of their audience better as their business grows. A large component of what investing in CX means, involves collecting and analysing customer data by means of surveys, questionnaires and digital data collection points garnered from marketing tools like social media and email marketing. 

Ultimately, data takes the guesswork out of marketing and avoids business owners from applying the “spray-and-pray” method of marketing that involves spending money on advertising across a number of different platforms and simply hoping for the best. 

With data, business owners can gain access to information about their customers’ spending habits, their behaviour around shopping and their attitudes towards certain brands and businesses. This data can be used to inform which marketing channels will be most effective, how messaging should be crafted, how marketing budget should be spent and most importantly, the return on these investments. 

In the long run, this will ensure that businesses apply a more targeted approach to marketing and optimise their budget by wasting less money on ineffective strategies and tactics. And in an age where customers have come to accept a larger degree of personalisation than ever before, using data to inform your decisions as a business, can be a key enabler of long-term growth.

Have you found that customer experience has become more important to your bottom-line as a business? Connect with us on social media and share your opinions and insights.

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Training and Self Development Should be a Priority for BAME-owned Businesses

BAME business owners are under an increasing amount of pressure to perform above and beyond their counterparts, simply because the challenges they face are unique. Historically, one of the biggest challenges that BAME business owners face, is a lack of funding from both the private and public sectors. As a result, one area that is often neglected is training and self-development – it may be difficult to focus on bettering your business skills and acumen when basic profitability is a major concern. However, ongoing learning is especially valuable to BAME businesses who want to maintain a competitive edge.

The contribution that BAME businesses make to GDP year-on-year should not be underestimated. As one report suggests, businesses owned by individuals belonging to ethnic minorities in the UK, contribute over £70 billion a year. The same report concluded that these same business owners, however, are often disregarded by policymakers and have to “succeed against the odds.” BAME businesses however, have proven undeniably resilient in the face of growing challenges and have been shown to possess an unparalleled drive to succeed and to overcome adversity. What this says invariably, about the sector, is that for business owners, the challenge is twofold:

BAME business owners need to play a more active role in changing and creating policy, by participating in forums and debates and highlighting the disproportionate challenges they face through the strategic use of the media and other private and public sector channels; and
There is a pressing need for BAME owners to keep up with the competition by equipping themselves with the skills and technical expertise that will set them apart in a turbulent market and trying economic times.

The second part of the challenge can be addressed with training and self-development. But first, what needs to be tackled upfront is the misconception that self-development exercises are reserved for wealthy business owners or those who have surplus amounts of time to invest in themselves professionally or personally. Another misconception is that “training” automatically infers degree programmes or long-term commitments to rigorous, ongoing learning. Lack of time and money are two of the biggest shortages that BAME business owners face, but this in no way means that self-development is beyond reach. Consider the following ways to upskill yourself as a BAME business owner:

Attend seminars

Training and self-development for a BAME business owner does not need to be a daunting prospect or one that requires a large investment of resources. Attending a seminar, for example, is a great way to promote ongoing learning without needing to make a long-term commitment to a particular course of learning. Seminars present opportunities to learn from experts you may not otherwise encounter. They are forums where you can interact with like-minded individuals and most importantly, where you can get a broader overview of the state of your particular industry. Sometimes, all that’s needed is a boost of motivation to spark a new idea and thought process that will help you take the next steps in setting and reaching your business goals.

Participate in workshops

As an active participant in building the BAME business sector, your opinion matters. BAME business owners have a wealth of experience to share with younger entrepreneurs. A great way to share this expertise and learn more from more experienced start-up founders, is to attend workshops. If travelling to a location for the workshop proves too challenging, consider a hybrid workshop that allows online participants.

Workshops are an excellent way to bounce ideas off other business owners. They can help you address weaknesses, recognise your strengths and identify opportunities for growth. Workshops are also an effective way of improving your interpersonal skills, which will have a positive impact on your employees and customer relations.

The content that is shared in workshops is important, but what is equally as important are the skills you can learn as a business owner by playing an active role in debate and discussion. Workshops give business owners the opportunity to forge new relationships and expand their network and in this sector, proper networking is invaluable.

Enroll in short courses

Short courses are a great way to gain in-depth knowledge on a particular subject, without needing to commit to a degree programme. The needs of your business will evolve. Therefore, the theoretical knowledge and skills you will need to manage your business will need to evolve along with them. Enrolling in a short course might empower you to develop your skillset, increase your confidence and help you adapt to the ever-evolving business landscape.

Find a mentor

As a BAME business owner, one of the greatest investments you can make, is finding and using a mentor. The mentor you choose needs to be someone whose success you aspire to emulate and who has demonstrated resilience and proficiency in their field of expertise. Your mentor does not necessarily have to be involved in the same industry as you, but they need to have the key ingredient of relatability. By relating to their story, their struggles and their tenacity, you can learn from them and apply those learnings to your own unique context. Using a mentor is a training and self-development exercise in itself because it requires active participation and a drive to want to better yourself and your leadership skills.

Do you as a BAME business owner value training and self-development? We’d love to hear your stories of how developing your skillset and knowledge has helped you overcome the challenges you face. Share them with us on social media and we’ll be in touch to hear more.

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Advice for Companies: How to Identify Racial Bias in Customer Service

racial bias

According to studies conducted by Harvard Business Review, minority customers – specifically black and Asian people – generally receive worse customer service than their white counterparts in ways that are indicative of racial bias.

In one study, email enquiries were sent to 6000 hotels across America, from fictitious email accounts with names that signaled race and gender. Researchers then reviewed responses to these emails, examining aspects such as language and tone, and found that hotel employees were less responsive, less helpful and less friendly to those belonging to minority groups, when compared to how they related to white people.

Unlike racism, which can be more explicit and systematic, racial bias is implicit. In other words, racial bias often plays out in ways that are unconscious and unintentional, and are based on attitudes and stereotypes about certain racial groups. People who are racially bias are often not aware of their discriminatory attitudes and can act on those biases without meaning to or knowing that they are doing so. Harbouring stereotypes about certain racial groups that are unfavourable, can lead to those groups being treated unfairly or in a way that suggests that they are inferior. As the Harvard Business Review demonstrated, these biases are particularly evident in the realm of customer service. That reality says a lot about the society we live in today. Outwardly, society is democratic and just, but the everyday behaviour of people is underpinned by a current of intolerance and a tendency towards making assumptions, often leveled at members of minority groups.

The challenge for BAME business owners is how to tackle the issue of bias in their businesses, because ultimately, it is a phenomenon that can lead to poor customer service, which will negatively impact customer retention and ultimately affect the bottomline.

Identifying racial bias in customer service is not a clear-cut process, simply because most people are unaware that it affects their behaviour, but as a business owner there are subtle signs you can look out for with regards to how your employees treat your customers. You may observe employee-customer interactions and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does the tone of your employee’s voice change when they address different race groups? For example, do they seem agitated or impatient?
  • Does the language used by your employees change when they address different race groups? Do they “talk down” to minority groups or change their language in a way that suggests that they believe minority groups cannot understand what they are saying?
  • What does their body language say about their attitude towards different race groups? For example, do they stand at a distance or lean into the conversation? Do they maintain eye contact with the customer or are they distracted and indifferent?
  • Do your employees seem more willing to help certain race groups as opposed to others? Are they more attentive to white customers, for example? Do they automatically assume that white customers are willing and able to spend more and are therefore better customers? Do your employees overlook certain customers because of the way they are dressed or their accent?
  • If your business conducts its affairs online, does your level of customer service change as soon as customers reveal their identities in a way that signals which racial group they belong to? Are your employees more likely to dismiss certain racial groups when they have a complaint or need assistance?

Brick-and-mortar businesses could also employ a mystery shopper system, where individuals posed as shoppers enter a store and write about their customer experience based on a questionnaire that could feature some of the aspects that the above questions identify. This would however, require an investment in terms of time and resources. Time would need to be taken to collate the results and watch out for instances where business owners themselves may have stereotypes and assumptions that get in the way of looking at the evidence objectively.

There are a number of tests, verified by academic bodies, that monitor and measure racial bias, but as experience continues to show, it is unlikely that one test can be conclusive. A multi-pronged approach that requires active listening, observation, discussion and debate and testing in some form is often more effective.

The interest of companies in facilitating implicit bias workshops, seminars and training sessions is increasing, with business owners becoming succinctly aware that racial bias is actively affecting client relations and in the long term, profitability. This kind of training can go a long way in helping employees to self-examine, and identify mentalities and underlying beliefs that may be getting in the way of them treating all customers the same.

Ultimately, it is each individual’s responsibility to take the necessary steps to challenge stereotypes, question generalisations and behave in a way that treats all customers with respect and a sense of equality. It is the business owner’s responsibility to put policies and measures in place that will standardise customer service in line with strong values and principles. These values need to be clearly communicated with employees and upheld through regular self appraisal and implicit bias “audits” where business owners pay close attention to how their customers are treated so that any decline can be addressed on an individual or collective level.

Have you as a BAME business owner, experienced racial bias in customer service? We’d like to collate your responses around how you identified racial bias in an upcoming feature article. Please share your thoughts and comments with us on social media.

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How Can BAME-Owned Businesses Survive Beyond COVID?

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic had a devastating effect on the majority of businesses in the UK. We wondered whether the pandemic had specific, exclusive consequences for businesses in the BAME sector. Researchers at Staffordshire Business School are particularly interested in this subject, and have recently secured funding to investigate the specific challenges that BAME business owners faced during COVID-19, as well as the strategies they employed to combat the effects of the pandemic.

A number of key observations have led researchers to believe that BAME-owned businesses faced a unique set of challenges during COVID-19. For example, BBC reported that in the UK, the mortality rate among people belonging to ethnic minorities during COVID-19 was greater than that among white ethnic groups. Research suggests that due to this overwhelming disparity, BAME business owners lost more customers and employees to the pandemic and that this loss posed a greater threat to their businesses when compared to white-run ventures. We cannot ignore the impact that loss of life had on BAME-owned businesses, but we were also interested in getting practical examples from black entrepreneurs on the nature of their biggest challenges during this worldwide period of economic instability.

We Chatted to Black Entrepreneurs on the Ground

We spoke to Gambian-born entrepreneur and business owner, Eliza Jones, who runs Chosan, a brand that sells vegan-friendly, gluten-free, organic food and drink products. When asked about the main challenges she faced as a result of COVID-19, and she responded:

“As a food business owner, COVID-19 resulted in a huge drop in the sales of my products, Hibiscus sorbets and Baobab jams. Also, the conference venue that was lined up to include Chosan hibiscus sorbet on the menu, was not able to open for business. Similarly, other existing café, garden centres, restaurants and other customers were not in a position to make orders for summer due to uncertainty around lock down.

Chosan Baobab Jam was launched during lockdown. But the reduced footfall in retail stockists as well as not being able to do in-store sampling meant that there was considerable hesitancy around stocking a new product.

We also faced supply challenges. We experienced a long wait for some of the Baobab jam ingredients to become available. I would also say that reduced consumer spending power affected the sales of our products in our regular retail outlets.”

Angelica Louise Bagot of Tribal Unicorn experienced similar difficulties:

“The main challenge was having to pivot my business structure so that I could operate solely in an online space. Although Tribal Unicorn does not operate as a brick and mortar, we do attend a lot of exhibitions throughout the year and used to allow local pickups for customers. With COVID that was no longer a possibility.”

Are BAME Business Issues Unique?

Loss of sales. Supply chain issues. Reduced demand. At face value, these challenges do not seem specific to BAME businesses when viewed through the lens of a COVID-affected economy. However, BAME-specific issues such as lack of funding, lack of governmental support and the concentration of black businesses in harder-hit sectors such as retail, are indicative of the fact that COVID-19 “exacerbated pre-existing disadvantages in the business sector.”

Funding Remains a Central Issue in the BAME Business Space

In a very transient, post-COVID world, the survival of BAME-owned businesses depends on a range of factors. The one factor that stands out is funding. Before the onset of the pandemic, research showed that BAME-owned businesses were less likely than their white counterparts to secure funding in the form of business loans, angel investing and government grants.

Exploring the Government’s Role in Supporting BAME Business

Now, as we face a business sector that has changed beyond recognition, The Conversation identifies the UK government as a possible source of relief for BAME-owned businesses.

“State-backed grants and loans should be made more accessible as an incentive to business owners who have incurred additional costs to protect customers and staff. Crucially, the process to obtain them should not be too onerous, which risks putting people off applying. Regional governments should also take care to plug BAME businesses into the supply chains of local projects in response to the pandemic.
As a community, we need businesses to get through this pandemic in one piece, and we must help protect those who are most at risk. That means working specifically with BAME business owners in creative ways to help ensure their survival.”

How Has Your Business Survived COVID?

Beyond access to funding there are a myriad other approaches that BAME-owned businesses can explore as solutions to weathering the post-COVID storm. Among them are an increased focus on customer retention through loyalty programs, after-sales service, incentives for repeat customers and the building of loyal online databases.

We’d like to chat to BAME-owned businesses in the UK, to find out which strategies you have employed to mitigate the effects of the pandemic. Share your stories with us on social media and we’ll connect with you.

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Etiquette Rules for Exceptional Customer Experience

In this post, we will be sharing our top 8 Etiquette Rules for offering Exceptional Customer Experience.

1. The Welcome: 

  • Smile – Did you know that your smile comes across through the phone? 
  • Be polite – Greet your customers appropriately
  • Master the right tone – Pitch your communication at the right tone. Your tone can either have a positive or negative effect on your customers 

2. Answer your phone: But if you are unavailable, check your customer’s messages and return their calls.

3. Respond to messages promptly: It’s best to have an initial auto-response system in place to   acknowledge your customer’s message. A full response should then follow within a reasonable time frame.

4. Always say “Please” and “Thank you”: Customers love to be respected – Make  your customers feel like kings – like the saying goes – ”Customer is King”.

5. Be on Time: Adhering to a consistent opening and closing time is important to your customers.  

6. Keep customers informed: Your customers will never know what you are thinking if you don’t tell them and keep them updated.

7. Don’t Over-promise: Always keep your word –  There is nothing as off-putting to a customer as being let down by failed promises.

8. Follow up: Always check on your customers. Business does not have to end after a sale. 


Which of these Etiquette Rules do you find the most useful? We’d love to get your thoughts in the comment section below, or on our socials.

To discuss specific customer experience training needs, please submit a form on the Training page of our website. We look forward to hearing from you.

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4 Reasons Why BAME-Owned Businesses Don’t Pass the Test of Time After Launching

There is a large body of evidence that suggests that up to 90% of start-ups fail within the first two years. And as BAME-owned businesses, that statistic is substantially higher due to lack of access to funding, systemic disadvantages and a general uneven playing field.

A study conducted by the British Business Bank and consultancy Oliver Wyman, involving 3700 people, reported that BAME business owners are likely to bring in lower revenue and have less success in general, than their white counterparts. Furthermore, as Bloomberg reports: “Business owners from Asian and other ethnic minority backgrounds make up around 3.5% of business owners but account for more than 8% of business failures.”

Reasons Why BAME-Owned Businesses Are Highly Likely To Fail Within The First Few Years

Lack of Mutual Support: When asked for her opinion on why BAME-owned businesses fail, yoga brand owner and entrepreneur, Aysha Bell commented: As BAME business owners, we need to start supporting each other more rather than cutting corners and asking friends and family for favours. Saying this, in more recent times I have seen a rise in support from the community and a newfound understanding of business and the customer. As a community we need to work together and allow everyone in by sharing our gifts and talents. We need to start ‘thinking big,’ and believing that what we have is good enough for the whole world.”

Lack of Capital: Securing finance to start a business can be tricky, especially for BAME business owners who may be less “connected” in social and economic circles than white business owners. While there is no concrete evidence to suggest that BAME business owners are discriminated against by money lenders and banks on racial grounds, the fact is that white business owners enjoy privileges that extend beyond just the financial realm. White business owners are on average, more likely to have closer contact with financial networks, people who are able to provide loans and companies who are willing to provide financial backing. For BAME-owned businesses starting from scratch, the matter of building a business begins from the ground up, with little to no connections that are able to give them a “leg up,” or any kind of financial head-start.

Failure to Pivot with the Times: In the Age of Technology or what we have come to understand as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, resources are not equally distributed. The gap between classes continues to grow and this has been proven to affect BAME-owned businesses disproportionately. BAME-owned business owners historically, have less access to new technology and the level of education that is required to leverage technology as a business tool. As a result, they may lag behind when it comes to being able to pivot as fast as white-owned businesses when drastic changes are needed to survive. In the pandemic, many BAME-owned businesses were unable to get their businesses up and running online in time to continue to make profits and sustain their business expenses. The underlying reason for this is the lack of access to resources, particularly technological ones.

Inequalities Related to Access and Opportunities: As Angelica Louise Bagot, owner of Tribal Unicorn suggests: “There are disproportionate avenues of funding for black businesses and black founders. Women, in particular, are less likely to receive funding to help build their businesses. It’s important to note that not all businesses seek venture-capitalist funding. Bootstrapping is also an option, however again if we haven’t first identified the root cause of a problem, for example, if larger brands don’t source makers and brands outside of their usual supply chains, market share cannot be equally distributed. If black founders and change-makers do not have a ‘seat at the table,’ it’s unlikely that a problem will even be identified and opportunities will cease to be created. I don’t believe in placing barriers on any particular group,however I do think it’s important for the research to be done, for the problem and pain points to be identified and for structures to be put in place to help rectify the disparities.”

Another Perspective on the Subject

When asked to provide comment on this topic, Eliza Jones, owner of Chosan explained that:

“Not all BAME-owned businesses in the UK struggle to survive after the 2 year mark. There are significant differences between the experiences of black business owners and Asian business owners. Black business owners may find it hard to survive for example, in the convenience food sector as the main players in this sector have extensive community support behind them, considerable experience within the sector as well as group buying power. A lot depends on what their product is, which sector they are operating in and who their target audience is. Essentially, black business owners have less access to finance or knowledge/information networks as well as less support from their own immediate and wider communities. Research shows that one pound circulates for 28 days in Asian communities but only 6 hours in black communities.”

Her comment raises important issues around the nuanced experiences of the various minorities within BAME business as a sector. We will be exploring some of these hard-hitting issues in the coming weeks. We’d like to get your opinion. Comment on this article below or connect with us on social media.